Meet & Engage

Custom Email Templates

Custom Email Templates

Custom HTML templates can be uploaded to the M&E platform and used for scheduled email sent from the platform, i.e. event reminders, follow-up emails to all attendees and comms to registrants who didn’t attend.

Some changes to existing templates may be needed to make them compatible with the M&E emailer.

Things to Note

Any images and assets linked in the template should point to resources on non-M&E servers
Only a single .htm / .html file can be uploaded for each template – not a .zip file including assets
As reminder emails typically contain a button linking registrants to the event at the start time but follow-up emails do not, it is sensible to configure and upload two templates – one with a button and one without. Templates must contain certain tags for them to be compatible with the M&E system.


The M&E emailer uses tags to insert bits of information into the email when sending. These look like {{this}} and reference certain traits that should be swapped out before sending. The following are the required and supported tags.

{{body}}Body content, swapped in from the editor in the event emailerYes
{{displayname}}The name of the recipient, used in salutationNo
{{accountName}}The M&E account from which the email is being sentNo
{{logo}}The M&E account logo (the same as the one shown on the landing page)No
{{eventid}}The event ID corresponding to the event about which the email is being sentNo
{{eventTitle}}The title of the event about which the email is being sent; matches the ‘Title’ field in the event schedulerNo
{{eventlinkhref}}A URL pointing the participant at the M&E landing page and event. Use in link or buttons taking the user to the event about which this email is being sentNo

If you require assistance with configuration of your templates prior to usage, please contact the M&E Support team by email: